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Staff Picnic 2022

Staff Picnic 2022

‘Nothing is better than a picnic.’ – Zooey Deschanel

On the 27th of March 2022, the staff members, along with Mr.Sharma and Mrs Nair,went on a picnic to Jim Corbett's Blue Orchid Resort. Everyoneembarked on a fun-filled journey.Everything was fantastic, from the lunch to the rooms to the pool party.

The entire staff had the opportunity to visit the well-known Hanuman Dham. The temple had a pleasant and calming atmosphere. After returning to the resort, everyone enjoyed the live music and delicious meal. Teachers had a great timeon the dance floor as well.

On March 28, 2022, teachers experienced adventurous safari ride. The fresh breeze, lush foliage, and chattering birds added to the enjoyment. After breakfast, the buses started for Delhi.

Apart from relaxation and enjoyment, the picnic aimed to strengthen team spirit among the staff members. Even though the picnic was just for two days the memories will last a lifetime.

Ms.Harshita Kawatra



    Hindustan Times Annual Teachers’ Meet

    Hindustan Times Annual Teachers’ Meet

    HT PACE, The Hindustan Times Newspaper in Education, and HT School Education initiatives, organized its Annual teacher’s meet at the Hyatt Regency on March 23, 2022 which was attended by Ms. Natasha Sharma and Mrs. Annapoorna Siddhartha. The purpose was to acknowledge the efforts made by the teaching fraternity, the unsung heroes of the pandemic.

    Nearly 500 teachers from Delhi-NCR were a part of the event. The highlight of the meet was an inspirational talk by BK Shivani, a renowned motivational speaker and stalwart of the Brahma Kumaris’ spiritual movement. Sister Shivani appreciated the role of teachers in today’s world and encouraged the teachers to spread happiness and mental stability among the new generation. This was followed by a foot tapping performance by NomadSouls, a group of passionate musicians, who played some of the tribal instruments and entertained all. It was a highly captivating performance. 

    The event ended with a few thought sharing sessions on the present scenario post covid and how teachers and parents can together contribute to help the children progress well. HT shared its new projects and disclosed its plans for the upcoming session.

    Overall it was a wonderful experience and a day well spent. 

    Natasha Sharma



      SPIC MACAY REPORT Classical evening series

          SPIC MACAY  REPORT Classical evening series

      A classical evening series was organized by SPIC MACAY ON 19th March 2022.

          Great sarangi player, Farooque Latif Khan, performed live.Master Yashwant Vaishnav accompanied him on tabla.Mr Dilip Sagar Shah,the Instrumental teacher of Arwachin International School, attended the session.

      The session was concluded with an interactive session between the artist and students of various schools.



        Sanskrit Articals

        laLd`r lekpkj i= esa izdkf'kr ys[k

        vokZphu baVjus'kuy fo|ky; dh laLd`rfoHkkxk/;{kk Jherh jk/kk 'kekZ }kjk fyf[kr laLd`rys[k ^loZxq.klEiUuk ukjh* laLd`r lekpkj&i= ^v{* esa izdkf'kr gqvkA 

        ;g ys[k fnukad 28 Qjojh ls 6 ekpZ ds lkIrkfgd fo'ks"kkad ij varjkZ"Vªh; efgyk fnol ds fo'ks"k volj ij izdkf'kr gqvkA bl ys[k esa ukjh dks lekt dh vk/kkjf'kyk crkrs gq, ukjh ds fofHkUu Lo:iksa dks izfrikfnr djrs gq, ukjh dks fo'o dh lw=/kkfj.kkh dgk x;k gSA







          Spic Macay organized an art workshop on miniature painting on 20th March 2022. Artist of the day was Dr. Mrs. Sneh Gangal. She is a freelance miniature painting artist and achieved various landmarks through her entire journey as an artist till date.

          During the workshop she shared the details of miniature painting like how the art work is traced on the sheet, colour is applied etc. She gave a demo on how to draw and colour a tree in miniature painting.

          It was a very informative session.



            Online Training Session on Working with Learning Disabilities

            Online Training Session on Working with Learning Disabilities

            Mrs. Surya Laxmi attended  the online session on “Working with Learning Disablities” on 14th March 2022. It was conducted by CBSE (CoE) Chennai.

            The resource person was Dr. Sujatha Girish, Principal, Daffodils Foundation for Learning.

            The session started with an ice breaker, where the participants were asked to fill a google form. It had basic questions on one’s perception about the problems faced by students during the learning process.

            The following points were discussed in the session:

            • Meaning of learning disabilities
            • Different kinds of learning disabilities like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia etc.
            • Ways to identify the students with learning disabilities – a checklist.
            • How to work with students with learning disabilities

            She stressed that adopting inclusive practices at schools is mandatory as per NEP 2020. She further explained each kind of learning disability with the help of videos. At the end, a padlet link was given through which the participants had to write some strategies to deal with students with learning disabilities.

            The session ended with the assessment questions. Overall it was a well organized and informative session.

            Submitted by Surya Laxmi




              SPIC MACAY screened the movie 'City Lights’on March 11,2022.It is a 1931American silent romantic comedy film written, produced and directed by starring Charlie Chaplin. The story follows the misadventures of Chaplin's Tramp as he falls in love with a blind girl (Virginia Cherrill) and develops a turbulent friendship with an alcoholic millionaire (Harry Myers).The film's theme concerns the suffering and consequences resulting from the Tramp's attachment and efforts to aid a blind girl and a millionaire, as he persuades both of them that life is worth living.

              This movie was watched by the Hindi department teachers. The screening of the movie was followed by an interactive session with Mr.Trinankur Banerjee& Pranjali Vyas. Children clarified their doubts and shared their thoughts about the movie. The question-answer session helped the audience to learn about the views of others apart from their own perceptions.




                SOZNI EMBROIDERY

                SOZNI EMBROIDERY

                SPIC MACAY organized a live session on SOZNI EMBROIDERYon 13th March 2022. It is a popularneedle point embroidery technique from Kashmir valley inNorthernIndia,used on pashmina cashmere shawls. Ms.SomaAnd Mrs.Sheikh attended this workshop.

                The event was presented by GulamMustabaMir. He hasinspired several young craftsperson to learn and experimentwith the traditional SOZNI embroidery. using fine threadsand the finest wool from Kashmir.He made a fabulous design of embroidery in satin stitch withdifferent colours. It was interesting to see the embroiderytechniques.

                In this workshop a lot of ideas and experienceswere mutually shared.



                  Orientation Program on National Education Policy and Awakened Citizen Program

                  Orientation Program on National Education Policy and Awakened Citizen Program

                            Mrs. Surya Laxmi and Ms. Natasha Sharma attended the orientation program on  National Education Policy (NEP) and Awakened Citizen Program(ACP): Mutually Aligned on 12th March,  2022.

                  It was conducted by Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi . Mr. Anurag Tripathi, Secretary, CBSE was the chief guest. It was  attended by Mr. Vinayak Garg, Commissioner, NavodayaVidyalayaSamiti,  Dr.BiswajitSaha, Director(Skill Education and Training), Principals and teachers of many schools.

                   Swami Shantatmananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission led the webinar with his wise words quoting the ideals of Swami Vivekananda’s vision about education – “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet.”

                  The attendees were oriented with the ideals of National Education Policy which says that the teaching learning process should focus on not only the academic aspect but also the all-round development of the student, where he can become a truly global citizen. 

                  With the objective to strengthen, promote and develop cooperation in promoting values education, the Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi has prepared 'Awakened Citizen Programme' for teachers and students.

                  The programme is aimed at developing lifelong values, imbibing them into enlightening students and understanding of the universal values.

                  The following points were discussed in the session:

                  • A new vision of value education based on Swami Vivekananda’s vision of infinite human possibilities.
                  • Mutual alignment of NEP and ACP
                  • Focus of ACP- Providing models of living by enabling them to take the right decisions in life.
                  • ACP curriculum framework - Modules of ACP in different stages.
                  • Unique aspects of ACP – Pathways to awakening.
                  • Development of values at an intrinsic level- Shift from enforcing behaviour to responsible choices.
                  • Digital support of ACP

                  The webinar ended with thewise words of Swamiji and inspirational words of Mr. Anurag Tripathi. Overall, it was an enlightening session.

                  Submitted by Surya Laxmi, Natasha Sharma





                    REPORT ON THEWA ART

                    REPORT ON THEWA ART

                    Spic Macay organized a craft workshop on Jewellery design based on the theme of Thewa art on 6th March 2022. Mrs.DeebaRukhsar and Ms.Soma got this privilege to attend this informative workshop.

                    Thewa art basically belongs to Pratapgarh of Rajasthan. It is a special art form developed by the fusion of 23 carat gold with coloured stain glass.

                       The artist of the day was Mr. Rajendra Soni.His entire family is involved in flourishing this art. Many of his family members were awarded with National and International award. He himself is a National and International award winner. Mr. Soni shared that every intricate design of this art form is done manually. During the workshop he gave a demo on how to do engraving on a pendant and made two motifs on drawing sheet as well.

                    It was a great learning experience.



                                 SPICMACAY-CLASSICAL EVENING SERIES

                      A classical evening series was organized by SPICMACAY  on 5th March 2022.

                      The following performers played various musical instruments-

                      1- Carnatic flute recital by Shri J.B Sruthi Sagar.

                      2-Violin by Shri B.AnanthaKrishna.

                      3-Mridangam by Shri Praveen Sparsh.

                      4-Kanjira vy Shri.K.V.Gopal.

                      The Performance was broadcasted live on Zoom.The session was concluded with an interaction between Sh.J.B.Shruti Sagar and students of various schools

                      Mr Sagar attended this programme.




                        SPIC MACAY GREAT MASTER SERIES

                                                                                        SPIC MACAY GREAT MASTER SERIES

                        Spic Macay organised Great Master Series on 5th March 2022 featuring  Mahamahopadhyaya Late Dr. Nookala Chinna Satyanarayana,in an interaction with Shri Nookala Annaji Rao Garu followed by screening of an old video clip.

                        Samsidh School Horamavu,Bengaluru and Marauthi Vidyalaya EHPS Bengaluru hosted the event. A recorded video of the guest of the day was played for the audience.It was a wonderful show.Mrs.Rohatgi attend this splendid programme.

                        Submitted by: Mrs.Yog Jyoti Rohatgi





                          Poetry is a type of literature that conveys a thought, describes a scene or tells a story in a concentrated, lyrical arrangement of words.”

                          Poem Recitation is one of the co-curricular activities that give students creative room to express what they feel in rhythm. The knowledge that they gain through this is simply unparallel.

                          Like every year, this year also the students of Arwachin International School participated in the most prestigious Zonal Hindi Poem Recitation Competition organized by the Directorate of Education and secured different positions at different levels in different categories. It is a proud moment for the school to announce that Navya Narula of 7thmade it for the State Level Poem Recitation competition and bagged the second position.

                          Not only this, in the Junior Boys’ category, Anshul Sharma of 6A secured the 1st position and Anshika Sharma of 10th A secured the 3rd position at the district level. In the Senior Boys’ category, Ayush Garg of 9th B secured the 3rd position at the zonal level.

                          Heartiest Congratulations to all the Winners!



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