STEM CLUB  REPORT (2018-2019)

Classes 4 to 6

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teaching the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

Blended learning

What separates STEM from the traditional science and math education is the blended learning environment and showing students how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life. It teaches students computational thinking and focuses on the real world applications of problem solving. As mentioned before, STEM education begins while students are very young:

Elementary school — STEM education focuses on the introductory level STEM courses, as well as awareness of the STEM fields and occupations. This initial step provides standards-based structured inquiry-based and real world problem-based learning, connecting all four of the STEM subjects. The goal is to pique students' interest into them wanting to pursue the courses, not because they have to. There is also an emphasis placed on bridging in-school and out-of-school STEM learning opportunities.


STEM club for the year 2017-18 (classes 4 to 6)

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. We focus on these areas together not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are essential for student success, but also because these fields are deeply intertwined in the real world. This club focuses on “providing a platform for the application of knowledge through Project Based Learning.

STEM club offers a blend of educational solutions that give students exposure to “Hands on Technology” and make them ready for the changing world.

Some salient features of this club are-

?  planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity

?  strong communication skills, both for interpersonal and presentation needs

?  visualizing and decision making

?  knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool for the task.


To begin with the STEM club, students were given an Introduction about the DIY kit “MECHANZ ”. Then they were guided to make three working models using the manual and the kit:

Session-1: Speedster

Session-2: Sweeper

Session-3: F-1 Car


STEM Club ( classes 1-3)

In order to inspire the next generation of critical thinkers and problem slovers, a new club i.e. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and Maths)  has been introduced in our school from the academic session 2016-17.The purpose of forming this club is to clarify different concepts through various activities.

The session of Stem club started with an introductory class by the Stem team. In this session children have learnt problem solving techniques. These classes enabled the children to identify the root cause of a particular problem and find out the best possible solution through robots.
The children participated in this club enthusiastically making different types of animals with blocks (lego).
It also provided simplest ways for explaining mathematical concepts. Children enhanced their knowledge of even and odd numbers by making models with building blocks. They have learned multiplication concepts by repeated addition with the help of Duplo model (Kit).

The children also made a model of a ‘Merry-go-round’ and gained the knowledge of clockwise and anti clockwise direction. They learned how to move the ‘Merry-go-round’ faster by applying less force using different gears. Through this they have understood the importance of energy and how we can do more work by applying less effort.

These hands-on activities not only helped the children gain a lot of knowledge, but also gave them practical experience for better understanding. The creative skills of children were enhanced, too.

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"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. ~ William Shedo "