(Classes 1 to 3)

The Computer Club and Western Music Club presented their assembly on 19th November 2019. The students of Computer Club staged a play about different types of keys present in the keyboard. The play was engaging as well as informative as the children knew about the use of different types of keys such as alphabet keys, numeric keys, delete key etc. through the play. After the play, the children presented a song about the keyboard. The song was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

The students of Western Music Club sang a song “Be Careful Little Eyes, What You See” followed by a duet song, ‘He Is My Everything’ by the students of class 3. It was indeed a melodious song.

All the students enjoyed the assembly.


 Western Music Club Report

The Western Music Clubs have three categories:

Once in a week the students learn the songs and sing along with the music and instruments.

 First Club  -

-          Consists of students from class VII-XII. As they are grown up students they can handle the musical instruments and play as well.

  Second Club –

-          Consists of students from class IV-VI. The students learn the songs and sing along with the music; mainly they use karaoke instrumental and sing along with accordingly.  

 Third Club –

-          Consists of students from class I-III.  The student of this club are very young but very energetic, they always enjoy singing the songs with action.

  Here are a few photos of three clubs’ activities:





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