News & Updates





SPIC MACAY organized a live session on GulabiMeenakari on 27th February’22. It is unique art form, characterized by pink strokes on white enamel. Ms. Soma and Mrs DeebaRukhsar attended this workshop.

The event was presented by Shri TarunKumar Singh.Heis a manufacturer of GulabiMeenakari jewellery and other products since 1998 in Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh.He made a fabulous design of Meenakari jewellery. It is a crystal form of glass fused with metal oxides like gold, silver,copper, zinc  etc.

It was a great learning experience.




    An online Teachers’ Training Course B for primary and secondary school teachers was organized jointly by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the Embassy of Japan. It was an initiative taken under India- Japan memorandum of cooperation in the field of Japanese Language Education in India.

    The topic of the course was “Let’s make Task-based Classroom Activities with Fun”. It was conducted on three consecutive Saturdays i.e., 12th, 19th, and 26th February, 2022 by Ms. Chiaki Suzuki, Japanese Language Advisor, Japan Foundation, New Delhi (JFND).

    The objectives of the course were to improve the quality of teaching and learning and enhance the learners’ communicative competence of Japanese Language by reflecting on the current teaching methodology and learning different practical classroom activities.

    It was a great learning experience for Mrs. Vandana Jain and Mrs. Charandeep Kaur who attended the course and completed it successfully.

             Mrs. Vandana Jain

    (Japanese Language Department)





      SPIC MACAY organized Rendezvous Series (CARNATIC VOCAL ) on 26th February, 22, featuring  Shertalai Dr. K.N.Renganatha Sharma, accompanied by Shri Edappally Ajith Kumar on the violin and Shri K.V.Prasad on the mridangam. Mrs.Rohatgi attend this splendid programme.The host institution of this event was Kalabharti, Bhartiya Vidya  Bhawan, Endeavour acadamy,Anacel and Kendriya Vidyalaya,Ballari. A recorded video of the guest of the day was play for the audience.It was a wonderful programme.

      Submitted by: Mrs. Yog Jyoti Rohatgi



                                                                      SPICMACAY-GREAT MASTER SERIES

        A programme was organized by SPICMACAY-GREAT MASTER SERIES on 26th february-2022. Mr. Sagar of Arwachin International School attended this programme.

        Vamsheepriya Amar,Principal of S.J.R Public School,Bengluru, shared her views about Veena and its masters. After that a question and answer session was conducted by Vid.D.Balakrishna, son of Great Padma Bhushan Late. Vidwan Doreswamy Iyengar, along with the students of different schools of the country.

         At the end, old videos  of Late D. Iyengar playing veena were run.It was a very informative and wonderful programme.




          SPICMACAY screened  the movie 'Anhey Ghorey Da Daan' by Gurvinder Singh on February 25, 2022.It is based on the 1976 novel of the same name by Gurdial Singh. It portrays the plight and problems of the Indian farmers as well as the landlords. The film won National Awards for the best direction, cinematography and best feature film in Punjabi at the 59th National Film Awards of India. Hindi teachers watched this movie.

          The screening was followed by an interactive session with Mr. Gurvinder Singh. Children clarified their doubts and shared their thoughts about the movie. Since the movie could be interpreted at different levels, this session helped students to learn about the views of others apart from their own perceptions.

          Written by - Sheetal Yadav














            Arwachin International School celebrated Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti with the students of Class 5 on 25th February 2022. A small video clip on Swami Dayanand Saraswati was shown to them. His life and work were discussed. In addition to it, views on Arya Samaj which promotes values and practices based on the belief in Vedas, were also exchanged with the learners.

            The students acquired great knowledge about Swami Dayanand Saraswati.





              “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

              Debate is one of the co-curricular activities that give students creative room to express what they feel. The knowledge that they gain through this is simply unparallel.

              Like every year, this year also the students of Arwachin International School participated in the most prestigious Zonal English Annual Debate Competition organized by the Directorate of Education and secured different positions at different levels in different categories. It is a proud moment for the school to announce that Kabir Bhutani of 8B and Khushal Sharma of 8A made it for the State Level Debate competition and bagged the first position in it.

              Not only this, in the Junior Girls’ category, Shriyaa Aggarwal (8B) & Tina Baijal (8C) and in the Senior Boys’ category, Yash Gaur (12-B) & Spandan Jain (11-C) secured the 1st position at the Zonal level and made it for the district level.

              Heartiest Congratulations to all the Winners!



                World Peace and Understanding day

                World Peace and Understanding day

                World peace and understanding day was celebrated in Arwachin International School on February 23,2022.With the motto to spread peace, the day is celebrated to remember that there has to be collective efforts to make this world a peaceful place to live. The name of the day signifies making a common ground for the people of the world to live with and have an understanding of love and respect for each other to build a better society. It is focused on achieving goodwill, peace, and understanding among all people of the world.

                To celebrate thisoccasion, children of class 5 were shown a video by the Social Science teachers to have a better understanding ofthis day. It was an insightful session for all.

                Submitted by

                Merin Thomas


                  SPICMACAY, SWARANJALI

                                             SPICMACAY, SWARANJALI

                  SPICMACAY organised SWARANJALI, an online music concert.The aim of the programme was to promote and appreciate Indian classical music,culture and heritage.

                  Dr Ravi Kant, Dean of  Studentwalfare society of SVNIT and Shri Arun Bharat Ram who is a founder and chairman of SRF limited shared their views about the artists and SPICMACAY with the audience.

                  UstadAlam Khan, son of  Ustad Ali Akabar Khan, was the artist of the day.He was accompanied by Iman Hasmi.UstadAlam Khan played Sarod and stole everyone’s heart.He played raagAhirvhairav in teen taal and Sindhi Bhairavi in rupaktaal.This was followed by an interaction with the audience.

                  The programme culminated with a question and answer round taken by UstadAlamKhan.An amazing ambience and the positive vibes blended with the masterpieces performed,was indeed a treat.



                    International Mother Language Day

                    International Mother Language Day

                    International Mother Language day is celebrated on February 21 every year. The idea to celebrate International Mother Language Day was the initiative of Bangladesh. It was approved at the 1999 UNESCO General Conference and has been observed throughout the world since 2000.

                    UNESCO believes in the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity for sustainable societies.

                    It is within its mandate for peace that it works to preserve the differences in cultures and

                    languages that foster tolerance and respect for others.

                    Arwachin International School also celebrated this day with enthusiasm. Various fun filled and interactive activities like singing folk songs, drawing, conversing in their mother language were conducted.Students appreciated their mother languages and shared their view points with others.


                      International Mother Language Day

                      International Mother Language Day

                      International Mother Language day is celebrated on February 21 every year. The idea to celebrate International Mother Language Day was the initiative of Bangladesh. It was approved at the 1999 UNESCO General Conference and has been observed throughout the world since 2000.

                      UNESCO believes in the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity for sustainable societies.

                      It is within its mandate for peace that it works to preserve the differences in cultures and

                      languages that foster tolerance and respect for others.

                      Arwachin International School also celebrated this day with enthusiasm. Various fun filled and interactive activities like singing folk songs, drawing, conversing in their mother language were conducted.Students appreciated their mother languages and shared their view points with others.


                        A proud moment for Arwachin

                        A proud moment for Arwachin

                        It gives us immense pleasure and  pride  to announce that Priyanshu, a student of class 11 of our school has qualified stage 2 of National Talent Search Exam (NTSE) .

                        National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a National level scholarship program organized by the Government of India and conducted by the NCERT  for the exemplary students studying in class 10th. The exam is conducted in two different stages: Stage I – State level and Stage II – National level.

                        Priyanshu had secured 3rd position in Delhi  in stage –1 exam of NTSE and has also qualified the national level. The objective of conducting the NTSE exam is to award scholarships for Class 11th and 12th.

                        Qualification of the exam provides  several benefits :I IT-Hyderabad offers 15 seats to NTSE scholars; Preference is given to NTSE scholars in National Defence Academy (NDA) and Positive impact in Public and Private jobs.

                        A scholarship amount of Rs. 1250/- per month is given along with a certificate.



                          PICTORIAL CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP


                          Spic Macay organized a workshop  on Pictorial Calligraphyand the calligrapher was Ms.QamarDagar. She is the founder of QalamKaari Creative Calligraphy Trust. In 2016, she was awarded the Nari Shakti Puraskar, India’s highest civilian award for women.

                                  She started the session by explaining the art of fine writing. She emphasized on how art is important in expressing oneself. In her calligraphic art,she blends Urdu and Devanagari script together and the result which comes out eventually is spell binding.

                          It was a very rejuvenating workshop.


                            MATA KI PAACHADI

                            REPORT ON MATA KI PAACHADI

                            A workshop was organized by Spic Macay in which the ethnic art form ,MatakiPaachadi ,a traditional art form of Gujarat, was discussed .The artist of the day was Bhanu Bhai Chitara .

                               He explained that Mata kiPaachadi paintings are made with Natural colours. This painting is done on cotton fabric as once after colouring and detailing it has to be washed in running water of river.

                            He did a sketching of Mata’s drawing and motifs used in the painting.

                            It was a  very informative and creative workshop.


                              SPIC MACAY REPORT ON LEATHER PUPPETRY

                              SPIC MACAY REPORT ON LEATHER PUPPETRY

                              Spic Macay organized a workshop based on Leather Puppetry  on 20/02/2022. The artist of the day was S.Maruti Rao. He was conferred with a National award. He exhibited his master pieces in foreign countries also. His Great Grandfather started this art and he’s carrying forward his legacy.

                              His team is also known as Chayanatak Mandali. Earlier this art was done on dear skin but now it is done on goat skin. He mostly depicts mythological stories in his puppetry art.

                              In the workshop he did an outline sketching of Lord Ganesha and showed some artistic and beautiful art works done by him.

                              It was a great learning experience.


                                SPICMACAY Great Master series

                                                                                                SPICMACAY Great Master series

                                On 19th February,2022,SPICMACAY Great Master series organized a session featuring Guru Lakshman Krishna Rao Pandit ji,representing the Gwalior Gharana of Hindustani Classical Music.It was an interaction with his disciple and daughter, Dr.Meeta Pandit ,followed by playing of an old video clip. This programme was hosted by Swami Vivekanand Subharti University,Meerut. Videos of Tappa kafi "O Miyan Jane wale"in Taal Panjabi were showed to the audience.

                                Ustad Fiyaz Khan(Tabla),Ustad Mehmood Dhaulpuri(Harmonium),Smt Abha Pandit,Tushar Pandit (Tanpura) accompanied him.

                                He sang Raga Basant.

                                It was an enriching experience for Mrs.Yog Jyoti Rohatgi who attended this programme.

                                Submitted by: Mrs.Yogjyoti Rohatgi




                                  RENDEZVOUS SERIES

                                                                                              RENDEZVOUS SERIES

                                  SPIC MACAY organized “Rendezvous Series” in the memory of Mysore T Chowdiah, (125th birth anniversary and Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, (Centenary Year) on 19th February 2022. The host institution of this virtual concert was DAV, PPS. Kathak exponent Smt.Gauri Diwakar beautifully performed kathak on the virtual platform. After the concert, Gauri Ji interacted with the attendees and shared the importance of working hard to achieve one’s dreams. She encouraged the students to atleast learn one form of classical dance, vocal or instrument. It was a wonderful concert and the interaction session was worth watching.

                                  Submitted by: Mrs.Lochan Chaudhary


                                    Shivaji Jayanti

                                    Shivaji Jayanti

                                    Shivaji Jayanti was celebrated in Arwachin International School on February 19, 2022. It is the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, whowasthe founder of the Maratha Empireand is known for his administration, courage, and combat skills.

                                    To celebrate this joyous occasion, children of class 5 learnt about his life and contributions through a small video showcasing his journey.

                                    It was a new learning experience for the students of class 5.


                                      Manjusha Art Session

                                      Manjusha Art Session

                                      SPIC MACAY organized a live session on Manjushatraditional folkart of Bihar.It is based on story of Bihula and Bishari.

                                      The event was presented by Shri Manoj Pandit, first state award winner in 2013 and ManjushaKala Guru Award winner in 2014. He made a fabulous picture of  a human figure just by using 3 coloursnamely pink, yellow and green, depicting love, prosperity and progress.It was interesting to see the painting techniques of Shri Pandit.

                                       In this workshop a lot of ideas, initiatives and experiences were mutually shared.

                                      By Soma Das


                                        District Level Light Music Competition 2021-22

                                        District Level  Light Music Competition 2021-22

                                        A fabulous Zonal Light Music competition was held on 16,February, 2021 at Victor Public School,Maujpur . It is a matter of immense pride for us to divulge that three students  from our school bagged prizes in it. In the Junior girls category,Tanvi Manglani of class 6 A secured 1st position. She sang a very melodious devotional song “Radhe Govind Krishna Murari ”. In the Junior boys category,Vasu Goyal of class 7A secured 1st  position. He sang a bhajan “Radhe Govind Krishna Murari”. Both Students are selected for State level. 

                                         In the Senior girls category,Vibhuti Gupta  of class 11 B secured 2nd  position. She sang a very melodious  song “Nirmano Ke Paawan ”.

                                        Submitted by:Mrs.Yog Jyoti Rohatgi

















                                          District Level Classical Music Competition 2021-22

                                          District Level Classical Music Competition 2021-22

                                          The District level  Classical Music Competition was splendidly organized at Little Flower Public School,Shivaji Park on 15 ,February, 2021. One student of our school  took part in this event and became victorious.He exhibited his singing talent  wonderfully.In the Senior boys category, Aryansh Nigam of class 10C  secured 2nd position. He sang “Raag Yaman”.

                                          Submitted by:Mrs.Yog Jyoti Rohatgi





















                                            INDRADHANURA CHHAI

                                            INDRADHANURA  CHHAI

                                            The Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Among Youth (SPIC MACAY) organized the screening of an Oriya film Indradhanura Chhai which was followed by an interactive session with the director of the movie, Mr. SusantMisra and producer - Mr Jugala Debata. This session was attended by the Social Science department of Arwachin International School.

                                            Indradhanura Chhai is an Oriya national award winning film. This film is set in a small, rapidly-growing town in India. The story looks at the complex conflicts of three women from different generations, their changing attitudes to human nature in a society where traditional family and community structures collapse slowly. The film is about the morality and about the complicated relationship between tradition and progressive urbanization.. The lonely moments of the women are highlighted beautifully. It is characterized by the slow meditative scenes with people walking or sitting, accompanied by enchanting traditional Indian music.

                                            The session ended with a quiz and discussion with Mr Susant Misra.

                                            Rachna Kaur


                                              SPIC MACAY GREAT MASTER SERIES

                                                                                                                  SPIC MACAY GREAT MASTER SERIES

                                              SPIC MACAY organised “Great Masters Series” in the memory of Pt. Bhimsen Joshi, (Centenary Year), on 12th February 2022. The host institution of this virtual concert were Mayoor School , Noida and Vishwa Bharti School, Noida. The concert featured the living legend, Vidushi Yamini Krishnamurthy, a Bharatnatyam & Kuchipudi artist, who has dedicated her life to Indian classical dance for decades. A video clip of Yamini Ji and her disciple, Smt.Rama Vaidyanathan’s dance performance was played in the concert, which was simply beautiful. It was followed by an interaction with Rama Ji in which she motivated the attendees to understand the importance of learning Indian classical dance. She also spoke about her guru, Vidushi Yamini Krishnamurthy Ji . It was an amazing virtual session.

                                               Submitted by: Mrs.Lochan Chaudhary



                                                Zonal Solo Classical Dance Competition

                                                Zonal Solo Classical Dance Competition 

                                                The Zonal Solo Classical Dance Competition was held on 9th February 2022 in Arwachin International School, Dilshad Garden. It is a delight to announce that Aditi Pragya of           Class XII - C, bagged the third position in this competition. She performed a beautiful kathak tarana.
                                                Good luck for all future endeavours! 

                                                Submitted by : Mrs.Lochan Chaudhary


                                                  BASANT PANCHMI

                                                  BASANT PANCHMI

                                                  The festival of Basant Panchami , which marks the end of winter and the onset of spring, was celebrated online on 5th February,2022, by the staff and students of Arwachin International School with great zeal and devotion.

                                                  This special day began with a prayer to invoke the blessings of  Goddess Saraswati. Significance of Basant Panchmi  and its association with booming of the mustard flowers and the arrival of spring were explained to the students by the teachers of the Hindi department.

                                                  Teachers along with the Principal, Mrs.Nair, offered prayers to Goddess Sarawati by singing melodious trails of different regions of India. The programme came to an end with the distribution of holy Prasad among the staff members.

                                                  Ms.Harshita Kawatra

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